How-To: Un-Private Your Xbox

The main reason we would ever ask you to un-private your Xbox account is so that we can verify those on your friends list and check your activity. Now, this is not necessary to do so to play the game, Sea of Thieves, but we ask our members to do so temporarily so that we can check the integrity of the members wishing to join and see who they associate with, mainly for server-security reasons.

If you feel uncomfortable doing this, we understand and are willing to manually go through with you one-on-one while you screenshare your friends list and activity, but if you’re not worried about it, following this method is the fastest way to get @StaffChecked and processed onto a boat! The next few steps will direct you with how to do so, and once you’re verified, you’re more than welcome to turn these settings back on! So without further ado, let’s get you verified!

First step is to go to and log into the Xbox account you’re using that is linked in your Discord account to play Sea of Thieves on.

From there, you’ll go to Privacy Settings, next to your avatar/profile picture under your gamertag. You’ll be directed to the Microsoft website that controls your privacy and online safety settings.

Once the page has loaded, you’ll scroll down and select “Everyone” for the following settings:

And in case you cannot view the photos, you’re going to scroll to the section that says “Others can:” and select everyone for:

  • “Others can see your friends list”

  • “Others can see your game and app history”

  • “Others can see your activity feed”

Once you have done that, verify with someone @OnDuty and they will check your account and once everything is approved, you’ll get @StaffChecked and when your spot in the queue is up, be processed onto a boat! If you have any issues with this, contact someone @OnDuty or put in a modmail here. And feel free to change these settings back once you’re verified, as we only need to see these setting temporarily.

We hope this helps and we look forward to seeing you on a ship on our alliance servers! As always, happy sailing!